Saturday, August 7, 2010

My San Fran Find

Picture from

One of the things I absolutely fell in love with when I went to San Francisco, besides the city itself, was the vibe of the city.  NYC will always be my home city, but San Fran had this chill, relaxed, yet such chic vibe.  Picture Soho with zero humidity and sweaters all year round.  Perfection in my eyes. 

I did frequent many, many stores on my trip, but the most memorable store was the blues JEAN BAR.  This store is the perfect way to buy jeans.  It is literally a bar, minus the cocktails of course.  You arrive and all the jeans are behind a counter and you tell the sales associate what you are looking for: wash, color, size, brand, ext.  I told her I wanted a light wash, something good for summer, and she gathered twenty pairs of jeans for me!  I was ecstatic to say the least.

Personally, I find jean shopping intimidating.  What brand do I want, what store should I go to, how tight is too tight?  This store eliminated all that anxiety, as well as those muffin tops us girls know too well!  I believe muffin tops are the result of two causes; jeans that are too small or selecting the type of style that is wrong for your body.  Due to my large child-bearing hips I know that Paige Jeans sit perfectly on my hips without the squeeze affect and I know I have to be careful with what styles I choose from Joe’s Jeans.  I told the sales associate my size, but she could gage what brand and size would fit best.  Unfortunately the blues JEAN BAR is only as east as Chicago, but Soho might be there new home in the next couple years so keep your eyes peeled.  Until then I guess I’ll just have to go back to San Fran, which in my eyes is not so bad :)! 


  1. cuz, there is a store in soho with close to the same feel as this place. it was in an hbo show i watch called how to make it in america, but i cant remember the name. its has jeans all over the place, shades, sizes brands. same kinda thing as the jean bar.

  2. place is called jean shop.
